Charity Through Education
Get a free, quality education while supporting a cause you care about
Charity Through Education
Charity Through Education
Get a free, quality education while
supporting a cause you care about
Get a free, quality education while
supporting a cause you care
We have taught
100+ Students
We have launched
4 Classes
We have donated
600,000 MMK
We have taught
We have taught
68+ Students
68+ Students
We have launched
We have launched
7 Classes
7 Classes
We have donated
We have donated
600,000 MMK
600,000 MMK
Free Fundraising Classes
It's simple! Students need to pay a certain amount of money to enroll into our classes. If they complete the class, they get their money 100% back. Otherwise, we take the money and donate it to charities in need. Teachers and faculty members are volunteers—helping students and charities profusely.
It's simple! Students need to pay a certain amount of money to enroll into our classes. If they complete the class, they get their money 100% back. Otherwise, we take the money and donate it to charities in need. Teachers and faculty members are volunteers—helping students and charities profusely.
Currently Accepting Students!
Currently Accepting
Currently Accepting Students!
Programming for
Absolute Beginners
Programming for
Absolute Beginners
Programming for
Absolute Beginners
Instructor: Sai Khay Khun Mong
Instructor: Sai Khay Khun Mong
How can I enroll?
Can I donate?
Can I volunteer?
How can I enroll?
Can I donate?
Can I volunteer?
Blue Finch Foundation is one of the two divisions of Conceptians and directly managed by it.
Blue Finch Foundation is one of the two divisions of Conceptians and directly managed by it.